Intro to Types

Rust Workshop

As well as lifetimes and borrowing another key feature in Rust is the strong static type system. As well as simple types like integers, strings, and arrays Rust has tuple types and user-defined structs and enums.

  1. Structs
    1. Enums
      1. Null, an Exceptionally Bad Idea
        1. There is no Try
          1. Further Typing


            Struct types allow you to group bits of data together. In our book example we could define the title and page number like this:

            struct Book {
                title: String,
                page: i32,

            The title of the book is a heap-allocated owned string and the page is an integer.


            Enums are a form of discrimiated union. They allow you to store one of a given set of options. Continuing our library-based theme we could create an enum to model the operations for a library book:

            enum BookOperation {

            You can only access the values within an enum if you check that it is of the right type. This is done with a match or an if let.

            match operation {
                Return(book) => println!("Returning {}", book.title),
                Lend(title)	=> println!("Lending {}", title),
                _ => ()

            Null, an Exceptionally Bad Idea

            The first place where this type system comes into its own is with null. There is no null in safe Rust. Instead values that may have value, or may not have the type Option. Option is an enum with two variants: Some and None.

            Lets say we wanted to write a function that gets someone's surname. Not everyone has a last name. In other languages you might throw an exception or return null. In Rust we can use Option to force the person consuming the API to check if there was a last name.

            pub struct Person {
                forename: String,
                surname: Option<String>,
            fn print_surname(person: Person) {
                if let Some(surname) = person.surname {
                    println!("{}'s surname is {}", person.forename, surname);
                } else {
                    println!("{} has no surname");

            There is no Try

            Similar to null Rust doesn't have exceptions. Instead functions return a Result which is an enum of Ok or Err. In the same way that Option forces you to check for the existence of something Result forces you to check for an error. The question mark operator allows erorrs to be chained more easily.

            pub fn hello_to_file(path: &Path) -> Result<(), Error> {
                let mut file = File::create(&path)?;
                write!(file, "hello world")?;


            Further Typing

            You can use this to build things like type-safe state machines where the context is held in the value for each enum variant. Enums can also be used in place of boolean values. Often bools on their own as function parameters can be confusing:

            render_to_path("hello/world/", true);
            render_to_path("hello/world/", PathMode::IgnoreMissing);
            render_to_path("hello/world/", PathMode::Create);